Friday, May 10, 2013

Bucket List of Traveling...

My "Bucket" list of places I want to see before I kick the tin pail...

Below is the list of places I want to see still.  Considering I've been to 3 continents, 30+ countries and only the heavens remember how many cities I'm surprised I still want... but I do.  I always want more culture, more museums, more adventure... so here is my list.  Post yours.. perhaps I've missed a few?

1.  Australia... ALL OF IT!!!
2.  Egypt... Cairo, the Pyramids, the Valley of the Kings...the museums...
3. Greece... Athens... need I say more?
4. Italy...Rome, Milan, Florence, Tuscany... I may need a month here!
5. Russia... Moscow.. I want to see the cathedrals
6. Iceland... just to say I've been!
7. Scotland...I fell in love with Edinburgh Castle.  I want to stay.
8. Ireland... I need to kiss the Blarney stone!
9. Houston, the RiverWalk
10. Oklahoma City, there's a museum showing there I want to see and E promises to take me before it ends.
11. Oceanside, OR ... the three arches and search for my retirement beach house
12. Vancouver, Canada
14. Puget Sound, Washington
15. Niagara Falls ... I want to take the boat ride and walk up the stairs to the top and get soaked by the mist.
16. Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC... they have an amazing spa.
17. New York City... when I have time to take it all in and I'm not falling off a train on my way.  Not that Sean wasn't a good sport about my injury.
18. Disney world... Orlando, Florida with my nieces ... okay maybe Epcot more for me and Disney for them
19. Yosemite National Park
20. Hike the Grand Canyon again... that one may have to wait for both knees and lungs to heal
21. Belize... the clearest water... expensive as all get out
22. Bora Bora... if it was good enough for Vin Diesel it's good enough for me!
23. Paris, France... just to see the Eiffel Tower and wine with breakfast!
24. Belvidere tea room in Claremore, OK... old buildings are a beautiful thing and who can resist tea!
25. Dallas, Texas... and not just the blasted airports!!!
26. Savannah, GA ... ghost trails
27. Philadelphia, PA... I love their Museum of Art
28.  Washington, D.C.... I could be there a month as well to see all the museums, the cherry festival...
29. Spain...  Spanish Riviera
30. Brazil... need another continent under my belt!

I should start small and work to the big stuff, but I hope to knock some of these off my list.  I just hope E likes to travel as much as I do! 

Tell me what your travel bucket list is!

1 comment:

  1. Rio and Buenos Aires. Somewhere in Japan as well. Tokyo maybe.
