My Top things for Monterrey:
2. Mexican food...I know duh right? But, this is two hours into the country and you can find some really fantastic REAL Mexican food, not Taco Bell, Taco Beuno, Speedys cousin Zip on the corner
3. Patio Dining... It's relatively nice here all year round. So sit outside and enjoy the sun, heat, rain, whatever the sky hands you.
4. Someone else to drive you... OK this probably surprises you if you know me. My own family calls me Mario Andreotti, but I really rather let someone else drive in Mexico. We have a great guy here and he has a cute little red car. I let him drive.
5. Mountains... they are beautiful, breathtaking and with the fog, sunlight, rain and constant building of houses ever changing vision within the city. I highly recommend as much viewing time as possible.
6. Arracha steaks... Smothered in cheese, served with onions and a twice baked potato.
7. Mexico coke... made with sugar cane not corn syrup. Still not good for you, but Dios Mio yummy
8. Cheese... fried cheese with chorrizo, melted cheese for quesadilla, cheese in my morning omelettee, just cheese
9. Fresh avacados...
10. Mojitos done right and as many nuts as you can eat
11. The Safi hotel
12. Air Conditioning
13. Call buttons on the waiters!